3 Reasons Why Your Linkedin Outreach Doesn't Get You Leads

Feeling Like LinkedIn Outreach just "doesn't work" for you? Like nobody seems to be interested or is just ghosting you (Here's Why & How to Fix It Fast)


Today, I will tell you the 3 biggest mistakes that people do when they're trying to generate some leads on LinkedIn and how to avoid them. Hi, and welcome to this video. My name is Marco. And in the last 2 years, I generated over 4, 000 leads for my own company on LinkedIn. And with leads, I'm not meaning some data that is great.

With leads, I mean, people that shared the number with me in the chat because they wanted to get a call. If you aren't generating any leads at the moment from LinkedIn, you're missing out on a lot of potential, especially if you're working B2B. In 99% of the cases, there are exactly 3 problems that somebody needs to solve that isn't generating the amount of leads that he wants to on LinkedIn. So let's dive right into it. The first problem is the targeting because if you're connecting with people that aren't a good fit for what you're offering, then it isn't a big surprise why you are not getting the leads that you want to.

As a little example here, when we are selling our software, Leadsin.io, and we would target, for example, teacher, we wouldn't sell our software. A teacher is teaching physics. A teacher is teaching English. What should a teacher do with a software that automates his LinkedIn outreach? Our software simply isn't adding any real value to him.

That means he wouldn't become a lead. He wouldn't buy because it's simply not valuable for him. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with our offer or our software. It's simply the wrong targeting. Exactly the same applies for your offering.

So ask yourself what type of people or what type of companies would benefit the most from your offerings? And after you found this out, I would highly recommend to use the Sales Navigator. Because inside the Sales Navigator, you can precisely target what type of people or what type of companies you want to reach out to. There you can use then filters like company head account or current job title or seniority level, what geography, what industry, what language, where they should be operating. With all this type of filters, you can simply make sure that you only connect with the people that are a good fit for what you're offering.

Because always remember, you can deliver unlimited packages to the wrong address and you will never succeed. But if you deliver the right package to the right address, you will get what you want. So make sure to target the people correctly. The second biggest mistakes are the messages that the people are using. Just check your own inbox.

How do the messages look like that you receive on a daily basis? So when I check my own inbox, all the messages look exactly the same. Hey, my name is this. I'm working at this and this. I would like to introduce myself.

We are offering this service. Then they have 10 different services that they're offering. And at the end, they ask something like, would you like to make a corporation? Or, hey, would you like to buy? It simply doesn't work like that because with this type of messages, you're just spamming people and just throwing you off for people where you don't even know if they have a need for your offering.

Before you pitch somebody, you first need to find out if the other person even has the need for what you're offering right now. For example, when we sell our software, we simply ask the people, hey, addressing your well crafted LinkedIn profile, are you already using LinkedIn to win clients for your business? Then only when we get a yes, only then we pitch. If you don't get a yes, then we don't pitch. That simple.

So what you need to learn from this is you need to start to quantify your conversations and don't send out your pitches randomly. And when you pitch, you need to address their needs and you need to handle their objections. So the message that you send to them shouldn't be about you. It should be about them. What is in it for them?

Because that's all they care about when they read your message. The last mistake is 100% obvious, but the most people are still doing it wrong. And it is about quantity. LinkedIn is a numbers game. So if you are sending only 10 connection requests a day, only 10 to 20 InMails a day, and only 10 messages, you simply can't expect anything to happen because the numbers are simply too low.

You'll need to increase your numbers. You'll need to send more. LinkedIn is already giving you the opportunity to send 1, 000 connection requests a month, 3, 600 messages a month, and up to 2, 000 emails a month. You just need to do it. Because the combination of the right targeting with the right messages in a high quantity, it simply will turn your LinkedIn into a lead generation machine.

Of course, there's only 1 major disadvantage of LinkedIn. It simply takes a lot of time because when you are sending, let's say 1, 000 connection requests a month, 2, 000 emails a month, 3, 600 messages a month, and you do everything manually, this will take you between 5 to 8 hours per day. As we all know, nobody has the time to do it. But if you say that you have 30 minutes on a daily basis, then I would highly recommend to check out our website, leadsin.io and to start to use our LinkedIn Automatization tool.

Our software will do then all the hard work for you, like sending the connection requests, sending the messages, sending the emails that you can focus on what really matters. And this is calling the people, closing the deals and making revenue. If you want to see now how exactly our demo looks like and how our software works, then visit our website now, leadsin.io and book your free demo there. From my side, I wish you awesome day.

See you soon. Your Marco.

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