How EVERYBODY Will Want To Connect With You

These 5 Linkedin Connection Message Templates will make EVERYBODY you send them to want to connect with you, guaranteed!


How is it possible that you're sending 50 connection requests would only get 10 to 20 accepted while our users are sending 50 connection requests and get 30 to 40 of them accepted? This is what you're going to find out today, so make sure to watch this video until the end because it's much simpler than you might think.

Hi and welcome to this video. My name is Marco. And in the last few years only, I generated over 4,000 leads for my own company. And with leads, I don't mean some data that i scraped. With leads, I mean people that share their number with me in the chat because they're interested to speak with us about our offerings.

So what is important when it comes to connection requests? So firstly, you'll need to understand what is the mission of a connection request. This is only that they accept.

Nothing else. Because if you don't sell them that they click on accept, you can't even pitch them later. So what the most people do wrong is that they're trying to offer the service directly to the other person, but they don't even know yet if the other person has even the need for the offer. With that, they're losing so much potential because other people will just decline their connection requests all the time simply because they think, hey, I don't need this at the moment. So why should they even accept his connection request?

So how can you write now connection request that actually get accepted? They need to be disarming. They need to be generic, simple, and don't go into too much details. Because remember, the goal of it is to get it accepted. That's it.

Nothing else. If you build in 15, 20, 30 new connections in your network every single day, you automatically build a big pipeline of future customers because after you connect with them, you can pitch them properly. And maybe you will generate a lead immediately. Maybe it will take a while. But it's a matter of fact that they are in your network and that you are connected with them.

What means they will see the content that you post. They will see the follow-up messages that you will send them. And always remember, you are now in the right place but at the wrong time. Obviously, this is only if you have done your target correctly with, for example, the sales navigator. But this topic already made some other videos of how to make some good searches for the sales navigator, how to target exactly the people that you would like to connect with.

So let me show you now a few proven connection requests that are simply working. So we will see each other on my screen in a second again.

Hi. Welcome back here to my screen. So let me show you now some proven connection request templates.

So you are able to find this when you're on our website, the Scroll all the way down and you skip our beautiful website to the LinkedIn tips, and there you'll find it here called Outreach Secrets. So when I scroll down here a little bit here, we have some multiple proven connection request templates like, hi, first name, would you like to connect? It would be an honor for me to have experts, force leaders like you in my professional network here.

Another one would be, hi there, first name, I noticed you're a industry. Here, you have to put in your industry. Like, for example, notice you're marketing leader or you're a leader in the real estate niche, etcetera. So this you need to customize a little bit and wanted to reach out, always looking to connect with the owners in the real estate space. For example, just put in your industry.

Looking forward to learning from one other. Then you will add your first name. Another one is, hi, first name. Always looking to connect with industry leading executive and storytellers or thought leaders. This is up to you then.

Then also your name here. Another one would be, hi, first name, big fan of the work you and your team do at, then it will automatically put in their company. Always looking to connect with industry leading storytellers or thought leaders. This depends on what makes more sense for your audience. Cheers.

Then your first name again. And the last one. Hi, first name. Currently growing my network with innovative leaders in the real estate space or whatever needs you're in. Hope we can learn from each other.

Then again, your name. So here's an obviously the question, why do this connection request work so good? So simply, we work a lot with compliments because the other person feels valued to be called an expert, a thought leader, or whatever. And also the word of saying professional network works brutally well here in LinkedIn. Also, what you can see is that we never speak about ourselves or our offering because the other person doesn't know us yet.

So it's about starting the relationship and not bragging about us or our offerings. As I already said, they need to be generic and disarming because don't forget, keep this in mind. The only mission of the connection request is to get it accepted. Not more, not less. If you want to use some fun alternatives, there we also have some examples here that literally work like crazy.

So here we have the first name, hi first name. You are listed as someone I should connect with and I agree with the LinkedIn's algorithm. Looking forward to welcome you to my network. Best. And then you put in your first name.

So another one would be hi first name. So here it's very important. We make here a mistake. So leave the first name like it is to make it to seem like it's an optimization placeholder that simply has mail function. So here we make an error by choice.

Then we make, haha, just joking, first name. And then we put in the real name from the software that it automatically get grabbed by the LinkedIn profile. Big fan of the work you and your team do at current company. Always happy to connect with industry leading storytellers, board leaders. Cheers.

Your first name. If you are now thinking it is weird, LinkedIn is cringe. It's a matter of fact, the type of personalities that are on LinkedIn are a little bit, yeah, different than the normal human beings. But try it yourself. You will be surprised of how good it will work.

So here in general, once again, you will find this on our website. You scroll all the way down here, LinkedIn tips, outreach secrets, and then it's here on the page 6. Try this out. You will be surprised of how good it worked.

So really test it for yourself. From my side, I wish you a beautiful day. Only the best. See you soon in our next video. You're Marco.

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