The Perfect Linkedin Profile Picture

Could your LinkedIn profile picture costing you clients? Learn exactly how to create the perfect LinkedIn profile picture that converts.


The first impression matters. And today you will learn, backed by science, how you can make a professional, authoritative, and memorizable LinkedIn profile picture.

Hi, and welcome to this video. My name is Marco and in the last years only I generated over 4,000 leads on LinkedIn for my own company. And with leads, I don't mean some data that i scraped...

With leads, I mean people that shared their number with me in the chat because they're interested to speak with us about our offering. And one of the reasons why we got so many leads is simply because we have a proper profile picture. And today we will talk about what is important when you make your own profile pictures, because countless YouTube videos, blogs, and articles try to lure you into the comfortable idea that you can create a great LinkedIn profile picture without a photographer. But the harsh reality is you can't. These times are over.

This is something that you could do in 2018 or something like this, but not in 2024 and newer. More and more people find LinkedIn to be their number one channel for the lead generation and the standards are simply rising. To stand out, there's no way around than investing in your profile picture. Think about it. By the end of the day, you want people to buy from you, AKA to invest in you.

To get there, you first need to invest in yourself. This may not be what you want to hear, but it is definitely what you need to hear. Because if I just look at the LinkedIn profile picture that I see on a daily basis, 80% of them look horrible. They don't look proper. This was just a little selfie.

And I would never buy from this person because he simply is clearly not showing any self respect. If you don't have a profile picture, this says so much more about yourself than you can imagine. It simply says about yourself that you don't respect yourself. Why should I buy from a person to solve a certain problem for me if I know that this person isn't even respecting himself because he's not investing in his own profile picture. Also, multiple studies found that attractiveness obviously plays a role in business.

Even though attractiveness lays into perspective of the viewer, there's a lot that you can do about your appearance. Get yourself a proper haircut, make your beard ready that it looks good, upgrade your wardrobe and get yourself the best photography in your area to get an authoritative headshot aka profile picture. With all that and the Photoshop end up costing you a couple $100? Of course, it will, but it is an investment. And even though it might seem expensive to you for just a heads up, one thing is guaranteed.

There's at least one of your competitors that thinks differently and gets a proper picture made. And because of this, the people will buy from him and not from you simply because his positioning, his authority is simply higher than what you have at the moment. If you maybe think, hey, my profile picture is already good. I don't need to change anything. Let's check it out.

Let ai give you an opinion on your LinkedIn profile picture. For this, you can simply click on this link here as you can see, or you can simply click on the link here inside this PDF file. So now where we have the no photographer meet already out of the way, the last question is now how to look on your headshot. A recent study shared by the Daily Mail had researchers recruit 112 volunteers and presented them each with 80 picture of people who either had a neutral expression or were slightly smiling. Asked to rate the faces for attractiveness, they gave the highest scores to the people who were smiling.

So what do we take from that? Smile in your profile pictures. So let me show you here a few examples. Here we have, for example, a picture of Kevin, or Victoria, and our founder and CEO, Vadim Finayev. As you can see, they look perfect.

This is exactly how your profile picture should look like. So if you take only one thing out of this video, please make sure to make a good headshot for your profile picture, something that looks professional because, believe me, it will upgrade your social standing. It will upgrade your lead generation because people will simply see that you treat yourself respect. So end this video now. Go to the photographer, get yourself a haircut, make you look nice and get a top notch LinkedIn profile picture.

And if you want to get even more tips of how to optimize your profile on LinkedIn, you can get our brand new report called Profile Secrets on our website, You can scroll all the way down, and there you will find this whole PDF file, 26 pages of pure knowledge of what you need to do to upgrade your LinkedIn profile to optimize it for conversion. So stop the video now, go to our website, To get yourself a look into this report and optimize your profiles from conversions.

From my side, I wish you awesome day, only the best, and see you soon.

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