Write a CONVERTING Linkedin Summary

Your Linkedin Profile is your personal landing page that potential clients visit EVERY DAY. So, learn how your Linkedin summary can turn them into leads!


I'm an expert, the specialist in that and have a gazillion years of experience, blah blah blah.

Hi. Welcome to this video. My name is Marco and in the last few years only, I generated over 4,000 leads on LinkedIn for my own company. And with leads, I don't mean some data that i scraped.

If leads, I mean, people that shared the number with me in the chat because they're interested to speak with us about our offerings. And one reason why we got so many leads is simply because our about section is optimized on conversion. And it's not just praising about of how good I am, what type of expert I am and all these other things that nobody cares because this is the honest truth. People care about themselves and what is in it for them and not how great you think you are. If you want your profile visitors to actually read your about section and consider you as a service provider or consultant of their choice, you need to be different.

You need to grab their attention. You need to give them something of value. And I'm going to give you the exact framework on how to write an attention grabbing story based about section with value offer and a call to action in the end. So let's dive right into it. First thing that we need to talk about is your pattern interrupt.

This is the first thing your prospects see. It is important to grab them by the throat and get their attention, get them out of the current environment or activity and suck them into your copy this is the first line and the only job because a deal job isn't done properly. If nobody starts to read your copy, then the rest of the copy doesn't matter because nobody's going to read it. So you need to have an extremely strong pattern interrupt that sucks the people into the copy. 2nd step is the core desire question.

Through a series of questions, you get prospects thinking about the things they desire most. This question moves the brain to the topic you want to discuss it, which is the outcome or the result they wish they could achieve. So this is the second step of the copy. Next is called agitate past failures. If prospects are taking the time to read your copy, the chances are pretty good here that this isn't the first time that they thought about solving this problem.

If they already have the desired result, then couldn't be searching online, clicking on ads for your product, or even reading your copy now. You already know that they've probably tried to achieve the result and they failed. And this part of the sales letter, agitates that failure in the break. So this is something that they can relate to. So this is something that qualifies them because if it's important for them, they will keep reading.

Next step, step number 4 is called eye level transition into story. Right after you want to introduce a star of the story or an eye level to the the star is either something like a hero persona, a leader, an adventurer, a reporter, or any other type you think works for your product and your market. So simply the decision of how to choose here the main corrector, simply who do you know that your market can relate to the most. Step number 5, high drama story. Whenever you're telling a story, you want to start at the point of high drama.

Don't start with, well, I woke up and I had eggs for then I got dressed and went to work blah, blah, blah, because nobody cares. And this is simply boring. Think about your favorite movies. Do they start at the very beginning of the story way before the main event even occurs? Probably no.

A good movie, like a good story, starts at the point of high drama because it needs to suck the other person inside. The same works for your copy as well. Present yourself or your character of the story at the moment that is powerful, dramatic, and compelling. The next step is now step number 6. You need to identify the problem.

Now you need to reveal the problem. Let them know why you or your character was stuck, which is also probably the reason they are currently stuck as well. In fact, the more closely you can make your prospect relate to your problem or the problem of your main character in your copy, the better. Step number 7 is about the declaration of independence. Once you pinpoint the problem, it's usually not long before they have it or they decide to make a change there in the behavior or in the mindset.

For example, you or your character might have to make money online or he has to build a list or in order to lose weight, he has to change his eating behavior once for all. It's about making the change in the next step of your copy here. Step number 8 is now the have to find the ultimate solution to your success. Take the reader along your journey now. Describe some of the different things you or your character tried before you found success.

Then let the reader see you start to succeed. Some of your prospects might be experiencing this feeling at the moment. They might be right on the cusp of early success. You want them to go through this step so that they know you've moved through it to the ultimate success and that they can do. Because it's a matter of fact, if other people are able to do it, you're able to do it as well.

So if they see that you have done it, they believe for themselves that they are able to do it too. And that's the mission of step number 8. Here now to step number 9, conspiracy and the big lie. Show them how you finally realize that the cards were stacked against you from the start. Your prospects are probably convinced that the cards are currently stacked against them because they believe it.

You need to address this fear through your story, and then explain why it's not their fault that they haven't succeeded before. Now, this is about the topic now, taking responsibility because the people, they don't like to take responsibility because that means that they need to say honestly to themselves that they are the problem. It's always easier to say, Hey, something else is the problem. That's why the most people do it. And that's why we will play with this in this part of the copy.

So here, we need to make this in step number 9, and then we go directly in step number 10, the solution, the close, the hook, and your call to action. This is then the last step. There, you have your clear call to action, maybe to a freebie, maybe to a video training, maybe to book a call. This isn't up to you and your sales process. Let me give you here now a real life example through the different step.

What does a turtle have to do with your business? No fact. This is simply the pattern interrupt because everybody thinks, yeah, what has a hurdle to do with the business? Obviously the answer is nothing, but it's interesting. That's why they keep continue reading.

But first, I've got another question for you. Did you ever ask yourself where all your dream clients are right now and how you could get their attention? You know what I mean, qualified buyers that have the money to pay you are able to make quick decisions and stick to agreements and don't ask for more. So this is our second part of the copy, the core desire question. When we go now to step number 3, they clearly exist.

Every guru out there is talking about them. But why can't you seem to find them? I mean, it isn't the first time you've been looking for ways to make more sales, right? So here we are in the second, in the agitate past failures. So now we go with eye level transition into the story.

So step number 4, look, I know your story. And a few years ago, I was just like you, but with a pile of unpaid bills on top. Perfect. So now here, the next step. High drama.

So now we go into the site. Every day I felt like a gun was held in my face. I was staring down the dark barrel, and I could see the bullet in the chamber. My heart pounded in my ears and rivers of sweat streamed down my face at least once a day, just by the overwhelming thoughts of how I finally gonna make it. Then next step, identify the problem.

Why the problem ahead was simply that I approached winning clients online in the completely wrong way. And then we go to next epiphany or declaration of independence. So here, but I wasn't ever going to give up. As O'Neil said, I succeed because I fail often enough. Then we go to the next part of the story, your path to finding the ultimate solution and success.

After a lot of late nights, early moons, and a boatload of trial and error, I finally discovered a system. That's where everything changed for me. It's the most advanced selling system on earth. Competitors with much bigger budget couldn't compete with me. Rookies will compete on price and no chance against me.

Then we go to next up, conspiracy and the big lie. And that's when I realized it was never my fault. For years, gurus have been lying to me successes earned by hardware goalie, cold calling every day, emailing and DMing strangers, fighting of competition, and burning fortune on ads. And when I figure out that it wasn't true, I was finally able to break out the chains and get the results I deserved. And then we come to the next step, the solution, the clothes, the hook, and the call to action.

And all these lies and myths of gurus on the Internet made me put my experience along with this method in my first ebook for all the people to finally break free of the red trace of lead generation and customer acquisition in their business too. So you can onboard new clients weekly or even daily without spending 1,000 of dollars on ads or sitting and cold calling strangers for 8 hours a day so you can unlock user and wall speed of growth for your business instead of crawling through business like a turtle. This is now to close to the hook that we had in the beginning And exclusively for my LinkedIn connection, I share my ebook entirely for free. And all I'm asking you to change is your honest opinion on it and how it worked for you. You find the link to your free PDF copy directly below here under featured or in my experience section, enjoy reading and stay strong.

This is now an example of how you can write copy with this framework, with this easy hand steps. So if you want to do this now for yourself, and if you want to get access to this 26 pages of pure magic of how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for conversions, what you need to do now is you need to go to our website, leadsin.io. There, you need to scroll all the way down to the last sections of the website. There you'll find a link to this PDF file called Profile Secrets, where you'll find this step number 4, middle of the profile section, tips on how to optimize your About section for conversion with exactly what I showed you here.

So go to our website, scroll all the way down, click on the link, Profile Secrets, check it out, optimize your profile, and see the leads coming in. From my side, wish you an awesome day. Only the best. See you soon. You're Marco.

Access the PDF here: bit.ly/LinkedinProfileSecrets

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