How To Generate Leads on Linkedin + Live Examples

Learn To Generate 5 to 15 Leads per Day on Linkedin With These Linkedin Direct Outreach & Content Strategies ( + get a FREE PDF with cold DM Templates)


In this video today, I will show you how you're able to generate 3 to 5 leads every single day on LinkedIn using only 1 single account. The other thing that I will show you today is what separates the people in 2024 that are generating the most numbers on LinkedIn to the ones that are not generating the amount of leads every day that they want to generate. My name is Marco, and I generate in the last 2 years only over 4, 000 leads on LinkedIn myself. By the way, with leads, I'm not meaning data that was created or something like this. No.

I mean, actual people that shared the number in the chat with me that asked me to give them a call to talk about my offerings. Let's dive right into it. So what separates the ones that are generating dozens of leads every single day on LinkedIn from the ones that aren't generating the leads that I want to? First thing you need to know is, is LinkedIn even the right platform for you? So means, are you 100% convinced that your clients are using LinkedIn, that they're active on LinkedIn, that they have an account on LinkedIn, that you're able to connect with them?

If this is the right platform for you, what you need to do is simply you need to go into the sales navigator. Because in the sales navigator, then you're able to make a lot of different settings to really target the people that you want to target. Let me give you here an example. If I'm making, for example, a search for my own agency where we work with small and medium sized companies where we help them in the topics like, for example, marketing, what filters do I use there? 1 filter that I use for sure is called company head account where I can choose how big should the company be that I want to connect with.

After it, another very important filters, for example, their seniority level or their current job title to make sure that I only connect with the people that I really want to connect with. This is, for example, 2 filters that I use when I make a search for my own. Obviously, there are a lot of different other filters that are also extremely important, but this is just for an example. So means here, what you need to do is you need to use the existing filters that are available inside the LinkedIn sales navigator. There you need to make sure that you are able to connect with the people that you want to connect with means that are a good fit for what exactly you're offering.

After you know now for yourself that LinkedIn is the right platform for you, you need to ask yourself something that is extremely important. This is, are your audience or are the people really looking for the offer that you want to sell them? So means, are they looking for the solution that you're offering? Because this is the biggest problem that the most companies face. They are simply offering something that the market actually isn't really looking to invest in or looking to buy.

Then they're complaining. So, hey, I'm not able to generate leads. So here, it can be a very hard pill to swallow, but you really need to check if your market is really looking for what exactly you're offering to them. Let me give you an example here. With my own agencies, what we try to do is we wanted to sell some coaching about how to market yourself, about how to sell, how to systematically win more clients here in the Middle East.

But we have just simply seen that the amount of people that really are willing to learn something, that really are willing to try something new is very, very less. So what did we do? We simply offered them now a service where we will take care of these things, or you will take care of building the landing pages, or you will take care of running the ads for them, etcetera. So long story short, you need to offer the market what the market is looking for. The next step is now you need to build an authority inside LinkedIn.

How to do this is actually pretty simple. First step to us, you need to have a well crafted LinkedIn profile. That means 1 that looks top notch with a good banner, with a very, very good profile picture in the end, a good about you, something that really sells. How to do this exactly? For this, I created already a separate video where I give you some tips and insights and how exactly to build a well crafted profile.

2nd important step is that you need to post some valuable content. Something that positions you as somebody that really knows what he is talking about. We do this to nurture the people inside our connections, means in our first level connections, or also to get in front of people that we aren't connected with. Because that people buy from us, they need to be convinced that either we are able to solve the problem that they want to get solved or that they're able to get the desires means to fulfill the desires that they want to get fulfilled. After you know now that LinkedIn is the right platform for you means you're 100% convinced that you're able to reach your target audience, that you're offering something that is extremely valuable, and then your market is really looking for it, and that you position yourself as a clear expert in your niche with providing some high value content, there's only 1 thing left to do.

This is simply to fill up the pipeline. That's unfortunately where the most people fail. They are sending something like 50 connection requests a week, and then they are complaining about, so, hey. Why am I not generating any leads? Do I do something wrong or something like this?

But the reality is you're simply not sending enough. You're not sending enough connection requests. You're not sending enough emails. You're not sending enough messages. As a matter of fact, LinkedIn is and will always be a simple numbers game.

Obviously, LinkedIn has some limitation of itself. This is a matter of fact. But there is 1 simple way of how to overcome this limitation. This is by being consistent. What I can say when it comes to the limitations, you are able to send around 1, 000 connection requests a month, around 2, 000 emails per month, and around 3, 600 messages.

So you need to make sure that you really go nearly to the limits of LinkedIn, but never to go over the limits of LinkedIn. The most effective way, for example, for the connection request is sending something very disarming because the only mission of the connection request is that the other person accept it because either we will then generate the lead immediately, means that we will get his number immediately, Or with the high value content that we will post anyway on LinkedIn, we will get his number later. So now you only have 2 options. Either you do everything manually and you invest countless hours every single day into doing it, or the more smarter way would simply be to use a LinkedIn optimization tool, like, for example, ours, leads, and. Io that does all the hard work with sending the connection request, sending the email, sending the messages, and so on for you.

Then you can focus on what really matters, and this is calling the people that shared the number with you and to close the deals with them. If you want to see how exactly our tool looks like, you can simply check out the link below this video to our website, lead send. Io, where our whole software will be explained. And also, by the way, on the button on our website, you'll find 3 different PDF files with a lot of valuable content insight. The first PDF file is called LinkedIn pitching formula that shows exactly the 2 message framework that gets qualified buyers to send you their number.

The next PDF file has the name LinkedIn Outreach Secrets. Inside there, you will find a lot of templates, like for example, for high converting connection requests, for emails, for opener, as well as pitching formulas of how to properly pitch on LinkedIn that, the leads means the conversations, share the number with you, and literally back you for a call with them. That means with this template you will find in the PDF file on our website, you will be able to take your conversations, conversions to a complete new level then. The last 1, LinkedIn content secrets, will show you exactly how to nurture your connections, means how to nurture your 1st level connections, and also how to win clients that are even outside of your network with high value content. This is the last report that you will find on our website.

So visit it now, scroll through to the bottom. There you will find this free PDF files that I just mentioned on my side. Wish you a awesome night and see you soon.

Your Marco.

Access the PDF here:

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