Go Viral Build a Brand On Linkedin | Linkedin Content Ideas

Become a thought leader, influence people in your network and beyond and flood your business with leads by creating Linkedin content that people love!


In today's video, you will learn how to create posts on LinkedIn that give you 10, 000 impressions and more. Hi and welcome to this video. My name is Marco. And in the last 2 years only, I generated over 4, 000 leads for my own company. And with leads, I don't mean some data that is great.

With leads, I mean people that shared the number with me in the chat because they are interested to speak with us about our offerings. Today, we will talk about of how to use content to generate some good and qualified leads and what exactly you need to do to get 10, 000 impressions and more on your posts. But before I tell you what type of posts perform on LinkedIn, let's talk about some common mistakes that people do when they're posting on LinkedIn. When I scroll through my own LinkedIn feed, the most posts are very bad because the posts that I'm seeing aren't valuable at all. The most people are just posting about their accomplishments, but they describe in every single detail of what exactly they have done.

Or they are posting about what they have achieved or that they maybe started a new role. And some of them are writing stories about the corporate life. And I feel like they're using their posts kind of like a diary. But the honest truth is nobody cares. I know this is hard to hear because everyone feels like he is so important, but the reality is nobody cares.

Everybody is busy dealing with his own stuff, with his own frustrations and challenges that everybody has. So what you need to do is to pose something valuable, something they can relate to, something that helps them to overcome their frustration, something that helps them to achieve their goals. You need to be of value. This can be in 2 ways, either on a metaphysical level by simply giving them motivation, or what I prefer more by actually being helpful by giving them some certain tips or certain advice of how they are able to overcome certain challenges or to achieve certain goals. Your free content needs to be that good that other people literally charge for this type of information.

So let me give you now 3 different forms of content that you can produce. The first 1 is called standing on the shoulders of giants. There you can post some videos of young, now very successful people like, for example, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or Warren Buffett, etcetera. This works very good because the most people look up to this type of entrepreneurs, and they much rather listen to their advice than your advice. That's why it's called standing on the shoulders of giants.

But when they watch your video, LinkedIn sees that you're posting something valuable. What means then that LinkedIn will show your future posts more often because you are posting something valuable. The framework to this type of post looks like this. 1st, you need to have a video of a young version of, like, Elon Musk or Warren Buffett, for example. Then you need to have a strong, controversial, or motivational statement that is related to the video that you are posting.

And what you also need is a hyper attention grabbing thumbnail. That's it. The next option is called thought leader content. The thought leader status is what everybody wants that is posting on LinkedIn. But even here, we found a systematic way of how to produce content that has thought status.

First, you need to choose a topic, then you need a short and punchy summary. After that, some background info, 1, 2, 3 sentences max. Then we come to the moment of the highest drama. Then you write, how did you feel and what happened next? The next thing is, what did this make you realize?

And now the most important thing, what can other people learn from that experience? The goal here is to share some learnings and experience that you had in your own life. And most importantly, how you have solved them. And this is now exactly the difference from just posting about yourself and really posting some thought leader content. Because thought leader content is produced in a way that other people can first of all relate, that other people get some advantages of learning from your experiences.

The next option now is called helping expert. Here you share some extremely valuable tips and knowledge that normally everyone charges for. The goal here is to solve some specific problems that your audience has. You want to help the people for free because this positions you as an expert, and it builds credibility. When you make this type of post, you should really have the feeling, oh, man, I'm giving away too much.

I should charge for this information. If you don't have this feeling, then your post is simply not valuable enough. And maybe you're afraid now. Hey, Marco, I'm giving away everything for free. Why should people still pay me to work with me?

Because the people pay you to do it for them. And most importantly, to do it correct for them. I know this was a lot. And for sure you are asking yourself right now how you can start to post these 3 different types of frameworks. There I can simply say check out our brand new report called LinkedIn Content Secrets.

There you will find the exact framework we're starting to use the strategy standing on the shoulders of giants. Plus, you will also find a Google Drive link where you will find 33 plus ready to use videos of Giants. Also, you will get the exact framework for the 4th leader content with 119 content ideas, step by step guidance with examples of how to use it. And obviously, you will also find some guidance and some examples of how to use the framework, the helping expert inside the report. You will find this report, LinkedIn content secrets on our website, leadsin.io, so visit it now, scroll all the way down. There you will find the link for the PDF file, LinkedIn content secrets. From my side, see you soon.

Access the PDF here: bit.ly/LinkedinContentSecrets

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