Is Linkedin Cold Messaging DEAD? | Do THIS instead:

Many businesses are convinced that sending Linkedin cold DM is a dead zone for lead gen. But what if we told you it could be your secret weapon?


Is cold messaging that? Or are the people just doing it wrong? Let's discuss in this video together why you should never listen to people that tell you that LinkedIn cold messaging doesn't work to generate quality leads. Hi, and welcome to this video. My name is Marco.

And in the last 3 years, I generated over 4, 000 leads for my own company with LinkedIn. And with leads, I don't mean some data that's great. With leads, I mean people that shared the number with me in the chat after I reached out to them with a cold message. Every time when I'm saying that LinkedIn cold messaging is 1 of the most efficient way to win clients, people don't believe me, but I can understand why. They simply don't know how to do it properly.

So first of all, what are cold messaging exactly? It simply means that you reach out to somebody out of your network, you connect with them, and then you send them a pitch for your offerings. And some people will say now, hey, Marco. I can't pitch a total stranger. I must first build some rapport.

I need to get to know him, his business, his wife, his children, and even his dog. Come on. So first of all, you're not on Instagram, you are on LinkedIn. This is a platform for B2B, for businesses to connect with each other and to get pitched by each other. That means LinkedIn is built that you are able to pitch others on your services, and in the same time, you will get pitched by others for their service.

That's the whole mission of LinkedIn. But obviously, you can do it in a nice and efficient way, but you can also do it wrong. So let's talk about some common mistakes that the most people are doing when they're using cold messaging to win their clients. The first thing you need to check is who you are even sending this messages to. Because if you are sending the right message to the wrong people, you won't generate any conversations at all because it is simply not relevant for them.

You need to send the right message to the right people where you know for a fact that your offering can add a lot of value to that. Means you need to target the people properly. For this, I always recommend to use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator because inside the Sales Navigator, you're able to target the people. Like for example, how big should the company be? In what position should they be in?

In what industry should the business be in? So there you can target the people that you want to reach out to. The second biggest mistake people do is that they are pitching too early. You don't want to pitch early. You don't want to pitch everybody.

You only want to pitch the people that are showing interest and where you know for a fact that your offer is even relevant for them. So the first step for being able to pitch somebody is that you need to send the connection request to the right people. And after they accepted it, we want to start with something that is called a PPQ, a pitch preparation question. The PPQ is here to make sure that your prospect even have the need right now in this moment for the service that you're offering. Additionally, it has to trigger engagement by building curiosity.

Like for example, our all star, PPQ for our marketing agency clients, are you still providing your service? So for example, we at, we simply use, hey, are you at the moment using LinkedIn to win clients for your business before we pitch our software? So the idea of the PPQ is simply to start the conversation, best case always with a simple yes or no question where you know the answer already. It has to trigger engagement.

It has to trigger curiosity and to qualify the prospect if it even makes sense to send them your pitch or not. So after the PPQ, you know now if it even makes sense to send your pitch or not. So let's say in case that you responded with a yes, if you want to get a yes, now the next step is your pitch. So when I look now at the pictures that I am getting on a daily basis, they all look exactly the same. They'll say simply something like, hey, I would like to introduce myself.

My name is this and I'm offering this and this. Would you like to buy? And these are exactly the people that are saying they, hey, Marco, cold messaging isn't working. Now just asking myself, how come if this is the copies that you're sending to the people? So please don't be like that.

But first, let's analyze why this isn't working like this. Here you need to understand the other person doesn't care about who you are or what exactly you're offering. What they care about is simply what they will get out of it and what in it for them. So your pitch needs to be in a way that they are able to see their benefit. It should be short.

It should be precise. And also don't forget to use some anti objection pre framing here. Really invest some time into analyzing what objections they are giving themselves, why they shouldn't talk to you or why they shouldn't take you up on your offer. So make sure to not only address their needs, but also all the different reasons or all the different excuses they give themselves why they shouldn't talk to you in the 1st place. Having this information and using this information in every of your pictures, in fact, works even better than addressing their needs.

For example, how we are pitching our software after they said, hey, yes, I am using LinkedIn to win clients for my business. Yeah. The most serious LinkedIn for that, including me. What if you would find an assistant that would do it for you? Means 24/7 manages your accounts, connect and open conversations with your LinkedIn network, creates desired qualified end, and makes them literally ask you to call them back and only ask for €99 salary a month and would never get sick or tired.

Would you hire her? If they say yes again, we simply ask for the number and our sales team takes it from there. That simple. I hope you have seen now how simple and most importantly, how effective cold messages can be if you are doing it in the right way. Now, for sure, you're asking yourself how you can use this simple 2 message framework for yourself to generate some leads.

I have some good news for you. We recently launched a free PDF on our website that explains this whole framework that literally makes total stranger beg you for a callback. You will find it on our website, So visit it now, scroll all the way down.

There you will find it with the name LinkedIn pitching formula. If you now want to automate this whole process to have more time and in the same time to generate more leads, also check out our website,, and you can get already the first overview of how our software looks like. The software will simply do then all the time consuming work for you. Like for example, sending the connection requests, sending the PPQs, where you can focus on what really matters.

And this is calling the people that ask you for a call and close the deals with them. So visit now our website, and start to use our proven LinkedIn pitching formula. You'll find it on the website from my side. Wish you awesome day.

See you soon. Your Marco.

Access the PDF here:

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