Create the Perfect Linkedin Banner that STANDS OUT

Your LinkedIn banner is the first thing your prospects see when visiting your profile (and it will be judged). The good thing is, you can control it.


Your LinkedIn banner is the 1st and biggest thing your prospects see when visiting your LinkedIn profile and it will be judged. So if you want to get people to accept your connection request or connect with you, your banner has to be on point. And today, I'm going to show you exactly how means in detail to put what in which areas of your banner. Hi. Welcome to this video.

My name is Marco. And in the last 3 years only, I generated over 4,000 leads on LinkedIn for my own company. And with leads, I don't mean some data that i scraped. With leads, I mean, people to check the number with me in the chat because they're interested to speak with us about our offerings. And definitely, my banner was 1 of the biggest reasons aside of the copies of targeting strategy, etcetera, why I got so many leads.

So let's dive right into it. The problem is that the most banners are just designed to look good, at least that's right to do so. But the banner is here to convert. The banner needs to answer the question, what is in it for the person that is looking at your profile? That's why I will show you now in this video framework to follow, where I will show you exactly what to put where as your banner is really optimized for conversions.

So let's check out the theory of how exactly you need to design your banner. What we can see already is here is the profile picture of Adam Finaev. He is the founder of, and this is the theory of how exactly you need to create your LinkedIn banner. On the top right, we will start with your logo. Why is that simply because here on the left, the most of the space is already taken by the LinkedIn profile.

So we only have a little bit of space above the profile picture. So what we need to do here is we need to put your logo here. The next thing is your USP. This is the biggest thing, your unique selling point. This is the biggest thing you need to put in the middle of your banner because this needs to clearly show what makes you different, what makes you stand out, and what problem are you exactly solving with your offering, or what exactly are you helping your potential visitor, means a person that is right now in this second, looking at your LinkedIn profile, what is in it for him, and what is he getting out of being connected with you?

What are his advantages? Your USP needs to clearly show his advantages and your unique selling point that the other person understand exactly what is in it for him. After the USP, the next thing that you need to put inside your banner is your website AKL your call to action. The person needs to know exactly where he is able to find more information. And the best way to find more information is directly on your website or your landing page.

So here you need to put in your domain that the person is immediately able to look it up in Google to find your website and to get the informations he want. Graphic picture. This is the next topic. What you need to put in here is, for example, a picture of how your software looks like if you're selling a software or a very, very good quality picture of you if you're selling a service, etcetera. This is something that simply needs to up level your whole banner, something that increases the status, something that makes everything better.

So here, long story short, you need to put in graphic or a picture that really increases the authority and also the status of your banner or of your LinkedIn profile in general. So here, what do we want to put here are client magazine logos, reviews, stars, etcetera. Something that increases your social status and that gives you social proof. So for example, if you're already featured in a bunch of magazines, what you want to put here is, for example, the logo of Business Insider, if you're already featured in Business Insider. If you're featured in Forbes, you want to put the Forbes logo here and all this type of stuff.

So here, it's about showing some logos, magazines, etcetera, to get social proof. So this was now the theory. So let's look at a few examples from ourself that you really understand of how to use this theory of how to create a banner and really put it into action, into an actual banner that is used up until today inside the profile of Vadim, for example. So let's check it out now. Let's look now at the example at a banner that we use for ourself at

Here, we can see connect in mail, chat, and convert on autopilot. So here, this is our USP, our unique selling point that all the person sees immediately what is in it for him if he uses our software or if he is connected with us. So then here, we have the website that he is able to get more information, so he simply needs to open it. Then the picture in the background that shows a smart sequence, how our software looks like, then some social proof with the magazine, the business inside of Fox, Yahoo Finance, proven expert, Trustpilot, CBS, NBC, etcetera. Next example here is the banner of Vadim, also exactly similar with Leadsin.

Here, the profile picture then, see it in action,, connect, InMail, chat, and convert on autopilot, the social proof with the different magazines, then a very good picture of Vadim, then in the background here, the smart sequence once again, so exactly like the theory. Next banner that I want to show you is a banner from our marketing agencies, scaling.e, where you can clearly see for who is it for, superpowers for service provider, consultants, and agents. So this is exactly our target audience there.

Then a lot of social proof featured in Business Insider, Proven Experts, Trustpilot, Yahoo, CBS, NBC, and Fox. Some magazines that we have insider to build some social proof. Next thing is from our WhatsApp automatization from, more leads with your new never ill WhatsApp sales rep, then see it in action that the person knows exactly what website to visit to get more informations, then as seen in businesses either Fox, Yahoo Finance, Proven Experts, Trustpilot, CBS, and NBC. Our magazines that we already represented in, as you can see here, we use exactly what we tell you to do. We use exactly the same theory at a presented you in action.

So this was now the video about LinkedIn banner. If you want to get more informations about how you are able to optimize your profile, then I would highly recommend now to check out our website,, where you will find exactly this PDF via LinkedIn profile secrets that turn visitors into replies, connections, leads, and clients. You'll find it on our website, lead send dot a o, where exactly is what I just described you here with the banner that you can download this, that you have this for yourself. I also will talk then about other topics like your perfect profile picture, then also how to write your headlines, some don'ts, so what exactly you need to do, some bonuses, how you get the top voice badge, then how to write an about and all this type of stuff here.

So really check out our website now, There you will see this PDF file here to download LinkedIn profile secrets. Lot of extremely valuable stuff inside. So check it out from my side.

Wish you awesome day. See you soon. Your Marco.

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