Why Linkedin Is THE BEST Platform For B2B Lead Generation

Struggling to Generate Consistent Leads for your B2B Business? This is why LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B lead generation.


This video, I will give you 5 different reasons in under 5 minutes why LinkedIn is by far the best platform for B2B lead generation. Believe me, you don't want to miss out on them. Hi, and welcome to this video. My name is Marco. And in the last 2 years only, I generated over 4, 000 leads on LinkedIn for my own company.

And with leads, I don't mean some data that is great. With leads, I mean people that shared the number with me in the chat because they wanted to speak with me about our offerings. So let's dive right into the 5 different reasons. First of all, for who is LinkedIn exactly built for? What is the target audience of LinkedIn?

What are the people that are using this platform on a daily basis? Clearly, for business people and decision makers means some normal people are normally not here on LinkedIn. They're more on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. LinkedIn and the other side is more for professionals and especially built for B2B. So you won't find any other place on the Internet that has a higher density of CEOs, decision makers than on LinkedIn.

So especially if you work in b to b, you don't want to miss out on the opportunity of using LinkedIn to win clients for your business. Another reason, and this is now reason number 2 already, is simply that targeting that is possible on LinkedIn. There is no other platform on the whole internet that allows you to target the people that precisely that you want to reach out to then link them. Even without the premium subscription, you get so many different filters. Like for example, their job title, what industry they should be in, where they should be located, and this without the premium subscription.

But with a premium subscription, everything is on a whole different level. Let's take, for example, the sales navigator. Inside the sales navigator, you can literally choose everything. For example, I only want to have CEOs and decision makers that are operating here in Dubai. They should be started, let's say, in the last 2 years only.

They should be active in the marketing niche. They should speak English and their hair color is brown. Okay. Obviously the last 1 was a joke, but I think you got my point. And reason number 3 is LinkedIn is literally built for pitching each other.

We just talked about the sales navigator, right? Why do you think LinkedIn is offering it? Of course, they want to make money, but ask yourself if LinkedIn wouldn't be built for pitching each other, why they should offer you then a premium subscription that is literally called Sales Navigator. So the root of LinkedIn is simply to connect with each other, to generate leads, and to win clients. They offer you everything that you need for it.

You just need to take it. Other advantage is the mentality of the people on LinkedIn. They don't like to beat around the bush. They want to have it straightforward. In other platforms, you first need to build a relationship.

You need to get to know him, you need to know how his dog is doing and all this other nonsense. LinkedIn, on the other hand, you're able to generate leads with literally only 2 messages. And I'm not saying this because I think this, I'm saying this because I generated over 4, 000 leads myself already. The next reason, and this is now reason number 4, is surprise. You can use LinkedIn for free.

If you would buy, for example, the sales navigator, then we are talking about 80, $90 a month. So even if you would only invest 1 hour a day in LinkedIn into sending some connection requests, some emails, messages, etcetera, And in this 1 hour, you would be able to generate on average 1 lead a day. Then even with that, we would talk about lead prices of literally $3 per lead. No campaign on the entire planet is able to give your leads in that quality for that low price. And the best thing about LinkedIn, this is now reason number 5, you can automate 95% of all of your activities on LinkedIn.

So you can simply use a software, like, for example, our software, Leadsin.io. It does all the work for you. You can automate the connection requests. You can automate the emails and messages and even the follow-up.

Then you can focus on what really matters, and this is calling the people and closing the deals. If you want to find out now how you're able to automate your LinkedIn outreach activities and how to use all the advantages of LinkedIn, check out our website now, leadsin.io and book your free demo there. From my side, wish you awesome day. See you soon, Your Marco.

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SaaS & App Webflow Template - Atlantic - Crafted by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com