Infinite Linkedin Account Hack | Linkunity Review

Doing LinkedIn outreach using only one Linkedin Account won't grow your business - simply because you are capped by LinkedIn when it comes to daily actions...


Hi and welcome to this video. My name is Marco. And in the last 3 years only, I generated over 4,000 leads on LinkedIn for my own company. And if leads, I don't mean some data that I scraped, with leads, I mean, people that sent their number in the chat because they're interested to speak with us about our offerings.

And this was only possible because I had access to multiple accounts.

When you do LinkedIn outreach on only one single account, you can't expect very much to happen simply because you are kept by LinkedIn when it comes to the amount of actions that you are able to do on a daily basis. Even if you have exorbitant results, like 80% acceptance rates on your connection request or 30% response rates in your emails, there will always be a gap of how many leads you're able to get on a daily basis. That's why 2 accounts are better than 1 and 3 are even better. A realistic amount is 5 to 7 accounts per salesperson.

With 5 accounts, for example, that are generating with average 3 to 5 leads per day, this would mean that one salesperson has every single day at least 15 new leads no matter what their economic circumstances are. So now the question is how to get this account.

The second account is easy. There, you can simply ask your wife, your girlfriend, or a close friend. For the account number 3, you can simply ask your brother or your sister.

But what can you do after that? You can ask your employees to make one. But what if you don't have any? Or what if it simply doesn't make sense to hire more people at the moment? Then you can have a look into

With them, you will never have a maximum of how many LinkedIn accounts you can have.

So how does it work? Based on your requirements, they will help you to select which LinkedIn account makes the most sense for you. After the selection, you will get in 24 hours the profile that is ready to go. You can access then your profile through Adspower or any other anti detect browser that has its own dedicated proxy server simply for your own account security.

Or you can also directly connect it with your LinkedIn authorization, like, for example, ours, What is very unique about them is that all their accounts are Ivy Verified and you can get a verification badge. And even if you need any help with the profile optimization, then they will support you with that as well. They will also provide a detailed onboarding session where you will speak with them of how they can use the account in the most efficient way.

This session includes best practices and compliance guidelines to really maximize your outreach success. Then you're already done and you can start your accounts and also your campaigns immediately. If you would face any issues of the account, their support team is here then to help you to solve all the technical issues, or if you have to make any adjustments to help you to do the adjustments as well. And even if your account will get restricted, most of the accounts will be recovered within 3 days. And if they're not able to do it within this 3 days, they will simply replace it with another LinkedIn account that fits your requirements.

And the best of it, they would even help you with the optimization. Then they will monitor your account performance and give you a regular update to make sure that everything runs smoothly. And at the end of each month, they review everything and discuss with you some potential scaling option and when you can get the maximum results out of it. Let me show you now one of their accounts that we use for ourself. So let's jump to my screen.

So welcome back to the screen, and here you can see the example account that I just mentioned. We, for example, are a young dynamic team, and that's why it was important for us that our LinkedIn account is somebody that is young as well and also that fits to our brand. If you have in the other hand the company where it would be better to get older person in a suit, for example, and this is possible as well. So you can simply freely choose what fits you the best. What you can see here already on the screen is that Igor, for example, has now our banner here that we designed, that we sent them, that they put inside, then profile picture here, then our headline, as you can see here, also our website AK here, the company profile.

So if you also want to get multiple LinkedIn accounts to take your outreach to a complete new level, I can highly recommend here, Link Unity. This is, by the way, here, the website. You can find it here simply with And as you can see here, you can rent the best LinkedIn profiles validated by real people and ready for automation.

As you can see here, every of their accounts are persona verified with the NFC passport. They're able to successfully restore restricted profiles, or as already mentioned, they will simply replace it within 3 days. Profile delivered within 24 hours, Personalized connection setup. You can really customize it like I just showed you with your banner, with your header, etcetera. So you can really adjust that how that fits perfectly to your brand.

You have here the dedicated support, fully customizable. As you can see already, multiple LinkedIn tools are using their service already. And as you can clearly see here, they have multiple accounts with multiple locations, like here, Maria from the United Arab Emirates. Here, we have Nadia from Spain, or here, Diana from Italy. What is also very nice about them and also important to remember here that they only rent real accounts with verification that are already passed.

That means here, by the way, we have a good example if you want to have more professional and person like here. Now, Oleksy, with a nice picture in a suit, you can see they have all type of different people that you really find exactly what you've been looking for. When it comes to the pricing models, they have flexible pricing plans for every need starting from $100 per profile per month for up to 10 accounts. Then if you have more accounts, a k 11 to 50 accounts, there, it's an only $80 per profile per month. Or if you need multiple accounts like 51 accounts plus, it's an only $75 per profile per month.

So how to get in contact with them is actually quite simple. You can simply book here on the website directly, call with them, then you can make the payment with them online directly in that call. Then you will simply connect accounts, and then you're already done. Here, you can also see some satisfied clients of them, some testimonials. And if you are ready to get started, you can simply book an appointment here directly on the website.

And something very important, I'm not getting paid to recommend them. I simply do it because I love the service and the offering, and I can simply recommend it to everyone that needs more accounts. So it's simply because they are awesome. So that was it from my side. I wish you awesome day.

See you soon. Marco.

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